Have you ever heard of cashing out small payments? small payments is a method of obtaining cash through the limit. However, if your phone bill is unpaid, you can’t use it normally, so you can get cash in other ways. This is called Cashing out of information fees.

What is Cashing out of information fees?

Cashing out information usage fees (정보이용료 현금화) is a method of earning cash by using information usage fees, which are payment limits paid to users by carriers every month. The information usage fee limit is the limit that can be used by mobile games registered in the PlayStore or AppStore. 

Cashing Information Fees Various Methods

Lineage M Payment

Lineage M payment is the most famous method of monetizing information usage fees in Korea. You can access the game and purchase diamonds at in-game stores. Usually, it is difficult to buy and sell diamonds directly because you have to resell them, so you only buy diamonds through the company, and the company sells them separately.

Buying a game of goods

It is carried out by purchasing in-game goods from mobile games such as one game poker and GoStop. It is also important to proceed through an officially registered company because this method is cumbersome to sell the goods directly, so if it is carried out through a company, you just need to purchase the goods.

FC Online Payment

It is a method of cashing out information usage fees that has been very hot as a product that can be paid with information usage fees has been added to FC Online, a popular game. You can purchase various items at stores using the information usage fee limit.

Precautions for cashing out information usage fees

Cashing out information usage fees is usually carried out through companies because it is difficult for individuals to pay on their own, and special attention is needed because there are many illegal companies that impersonate formal companies or commit fraud without paying.

It is most important to proceed through a company that is officially registered as a business operator.

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